Before coming to Earth, Lord Jesus existed with God the Father. He was spirit, just as God the Father is spirit. Jesus took on a body of flesh arriving on Earth. (John 1:1-18)
Lord Jesus was sent by God the Father (John 7:16, 28, 33). Sent to us. For us. To bring us back into a loving relationship with God.
God the Father sent His Son, to die, for us, for you, a sacrifice for our sin. He gave up His Son. God gave us what was most valuable to Him. His Son. (John 3:16)
Lord Jesus gave up His place in Heaven before coming to Earth, out of obedience to God the Father. (John 17:5)
Lord Jesus hung upon the cross, accused, as a criminal is accused, for sins He did not commit. Beaten and nail-pierced, He still retained strength. Two criminals hung one on either side of Him. Soldiers gambled at The Lord's feet for His robe, a memento of the occasion. He wore a crown of thorns, and above Him placed a sign written "King of the Jews." (Matthew 27:35-50)
The Lord said, "It is finished," and gave up His Spirit. (John 19:30)
Sin separates us from God until Lord Jesus stepped in, taking the sin of the world upon Himself, at the cross. He took your sin. He took my sin. “It is finished.”
What is sin? Sin means “missing the mark.” The mark is obedience to God.
Lord Jesus gave up His place on Earth, out of obedience to God the Father. (Luke 22:42)
Have you been obedient to God and His will for your life?
What is God asking of you?
(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon