Survival. There is much to be learned from Christians in the Middle East, who have existed there for the last 2,000 years. Up until the recent years, there were tribes of believers that lived on the land and traveled together. One was the Ghassani tribe, from which my spouse’s father’s family descends.
As they moved across camel trails, over mountains and through deserts, the Gospel of Jesus went with them and was shared. They were known as people of the Book.
Other settlements of Christians lived together in villages, like Acco, on the Mediterranean Sea, not far from Nazareth.
Christians in the Middle East today still live together, for safety, in their own villages or near to relatives. They support each other’s businesses and services. Together, with God’s help, they have kept the churches in the Holy Lands open and vital for 2,000 years. This has not been easy. They have endured poverty, famine, occupation, empires, and numerous wars. But they are still standing and many refuse to leave.
The Word of God says that it is good and pleasant for brothers to dwell together in unity. (Psalm 133:1-3) The psalmist, David, likens the oneness of brotherhood to the dew which comes down upon Mount Hermon in northern Israel. Refreshing.
Lord Jesus had a large following of believers and disciples during His three-year ministry on Earth. There were squabbles about who would be first and where bread could be purchased, but the men and women lived as a community, following The Lord. He kept them safe. (John 17:12)
After The Lord’s ascension, the Acts church developed and boomed to thousands from 120 on Pentecost because of the baptism of Holy Spirit. Under persecution from the Jewish and later Roman societies, these believers learned to listen to Holy Spirit and live together in community. Even land was sold to provide for others; no went in need. (Acts 4:32-37)
Once again, there were squabbles about eating meat first sacrificed to idols or meats previously considered unclean, but division was overcome.
They lived in the world, but were not of the world. They were separate from the world. And they lived together and were of one mind. (Acts 2:41-47; John 17:11)
Believers are to meet regularly, eat together, pray together, study Scripture together, even daily and be of one mind, living in unity with each other. (Romans 15:5; 1Corinthians 1:10; Philippians 1:27) There will be squabbles, just as there were in the beginning, but they too can be overcome with God’s help, counsel and direction.
Do you rely upon the fellowship of community?
If a great crisis came, would you have a network of believers to go to for help?
We are called to love each other. This is a command of Lord Jesus. Do not isolate yourself. You matter and you are needed by The Lord as a vital part of the body of Christ. (Romans 12:5)
Unity of the body of Christ is necessary for survival just as it always has been.
(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon