Summer vacations as a child in Michigan gave me endless opportunities to be creative. One week, when I was about 10, I decided to be a hairdresser. My sibling marketing team and I created signs for my new business and went door to door advertising to neighbors who humored my endeavor. Later, back at home, I hired a model to practice on, my five-year-old younger sister. She enjoyed the attention until the hairbrush became so twisted up in her white blonde hair that it couldn’t be removed. At that point, upper management was contacted. Mom came to the rescue with a pair of scissors and an out-of-business notice for me.
Sometimes parents must stop us, even when we’re having fun, because we could either hurt others or ourselves. Sometimes they stop us because they think we have better things to do.
God the Father works in the same way, out of love for us, His children.
Jonah was an Old Testament prophet called to go to Nineveh and preach about repentance, but he didn’t want to go. Instead, he ran away from his calling. Jonah found himself on a ship in a terrible storm. At Jonah’s request, he was thrown overboard by the boat’s crew and swallowed by a great fish. Jonah spent three days in the belly of the sea creature, then he was spit out upon dry land.
God had to stop Jonah from running away. He was hurting himself by not facing his future and endangering an entire city of people. In the end, Jonah obeyed God, fulfilled his responsibility and the people of Nineveh repented and were saved. (Jonah)
God the Father loved the people of Nineveh and Jonah.
After the Resurrection of Lord Jesus, He reappeared to His disciples a third time up in Galilee on Lake Tiberius. Peter had gone back to fishing, his original occupation. The Lord spoke to Peter, three times asking him, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” Each time, Peter would answer affirmatively. Then The Lord would respond, “Tend My lambs.”
“Shepherd My sheep.”
“Tend My sheep.”
In a gentle rebuke, Lord Jesus was reminding Peter of his calling and his responsibility—to care for the Church. This ministerial work wasn’t performed as a slave, but out of love for Lord Jesus. (John 21:15-17)
Peter went on to become a patriarch in the Church. He was present when Holy Spirit descended and then he himself preached messages adding thousands to the faithful. (Acts 2) Peter also was the person through whom The Lord opened the door to the Gentiles. (Acts 10)
God the Father loved the Church, the Gentiles and He also loved Peter.
When God stops us from doing something we like doing, it’s for a reason. Most often, there is something better and necessary to Him that we must do. Read the Scriptures. Pray. Ask God what is His purpose, His calling, or the ministry He has for you. Following through on a calling of God brings great satisfaction.
(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon