Last night I attended church. The focus was on encouragement. During the course of my life I have attended many churches of various denominations. All preached Christ. But the specific body I’m in now spends a great deal of time encouraging their people—from the pulpit. Then they ask us to go and encourage each other.
In this season of change in the United States we are quickly becoming a discouraged people, wondering what the future holds for us and our children. These are unprecedented times in our country, even for believers.
Lord Jesus was invited into the house of Mary and Martha. There He sat and taught while Martha prepared food. Without assistance from her sister, Mary, who was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to Him, Martha became flustered and asked The Lord to tell Mary to help her. But Lord Jesus looked at the situation from a higher way, God’s ways, and answered her: “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:38-42)
The key lesson, keep my eyes upon Lord Jesus. He is all I truly need.
Social media has become a major source of discouragement to me. I used to enjoy sharing pictures and staying in touch with friends and relatives through Facebook, but no more. I even deleted the app from my phone.
I’ve cut back on the news to a half an hour in the evening, just to hear a recap of the day’s events.
These things aren’t saying anything good. They depress the psyche of a nation already going through a stressful situation.
The Lord wants to encourage us. He has given us a hope and a future. He gives us peace in a major storm. which He has allowed for a good reason. Ask Him to encourage you and He will. Then go out and encourage others.
Are your eyes on Lord Jesus or on a flat screen?
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(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon