My honeymoon was spent in Niagara Falls, 1988. It is a place where three waterfalls meet at Niagara Gorge. Part of the Falls is on Canadian territory, the others are across the border in the United States. When the water roars down upon the rocks below, a great cloud of mist rises up into the air above. On a sunny day, a rainbow forms over the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side. The sight is spectacular, awesome, and memorable.
The rainbow is a sign of promise in Scripture. God says that never again will He destroy all flesh by flooding the Earth. God made this covenant between Himself and the Earth, all living flesh, Noah and his family, and every living creature. (Genesis 9:8-17)
God initiates a covenant between Himself and man. A covenant is a divine ordinance which comes with signs or pledges. The Rainbow Covenant brought about newness to the Earth and a new beginning for man.
God’s covenants also bring life, as did the Rainbow Covenant.
Lord Jesus also brought a covenant. He was able to do so because He is the Son of God. He did what He saw His Father doing. His Father was ready to make a new covenant. (John 5:18-20; Matthew 26:39,42)
The New Covenant came with signs too—the wine and the bread of Communion, representing, the Blood and Body of Lord Jesus. (Luke 22:19-20) But it is the wine, His Blood, that made the New Covenant.
This New Covenant couldn’t have been ratified without the death of sin. Sin killed Lord Jesus. In the same way, the rainbow covenant couldn’t have come into being without the death of sin. Those who died in the Great Flood were sinners who would not acknowledge God. They sinned.
The wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)
The sin of the world was washed away by the flood.
The sin of the world was washed away by the Blood of Lord Jesus. (John 1:29)
The New Covenant of Lord Jesus went beyond the Rainbow Covenant. The Rainbow promised life on Earth. The New Covenant promised abundant life on Earth and eternal life in Heaven.
Lord Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.” (John 14:6)
You can only have your sins washed away by receiving Lord Jesus as your personal Savior. He is the One Who made the New Covenant for all flesh.
This is the only way to be saved from death, eternal death (Hell), just as Noah and his family were saved from Earthly death.
30 years later, my spouse and I returned to Niagara Falls on our wedding anniversary. The Falls had not changed. Neither do God and His covenants change. He is eternal. His promises remain true through all generations.
Have you been washed in the Blood of Jesus to remove your sins?
(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon