One Christmas Eve in snowy Goodrich, Michigan, I insisted on staying up until midnight. I had heard and believed that animals could speak as humans do during that dark hour. It was a type of miracle that was an extension of the Nativity birth. I was about eight years old and sincerely wanted to speak with the rabbits we kept in cages out behind our house. My mother wanted nothing to do with this. She made me go to bed at my normal time because Santa was waiting to come!
The irony, believing in Santa but not the animals having the ability to speak. Both are fairy tales.
To the world, the story of the virgin birth of Jesus, His life, death and resurrection are a myth. The Bible to the world is a book of fictional or at best, somewhat historical tales. Yet we believers truly and sincerely believe the Bible. To us it is holy and contains the oracles of God.
Why? Why do we believe?
Because our lives have been changed with a touch from The Lord, through reading and applying Scripture to our lives, answered prayers, from witnessing great miracles, even others being resurrected from death.
During my journey with God I have had to stop and ask myself, “Do I really believe this part of Scripture?”
Did Noah and his family really survive a worldwide flood in an ark which he himself built? (Genesis 6:14-18)
Was Jonah actually swallowed by a whale? (Jonah 1-2)
Could Paradise or the Bosom of Abraham have actually existed prior to Heaven being opened to believers? (Luke 16)
I had to remove areas of unbelief until I believed the whole Word of God.
We must all do this. We must believe Scripture as a whole, because it is whole and cannot be broken. (John 10:35)
The world wants us to deny our Godly heritage, our Word, a gift of God by eroding and whitewashing truths from it little by little. The world wants us to believe that God is not able to do what He says He has done.
But God has done these great things, and He will do many more.
Knowledge of the glory of God will fill the Earth just as waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)
The Word of God is divine. Lord Jesus is the Word. Lord Jesus is God. He cannot be stopped, neither can His Word. All things are in His hands. All things are His. (Psalm 24:1)
Lord Jesus is coming again. He will come for His bride. He will come in judgment upon the world. He will come on a white horse with fire in His eyes. (Revelation 19:11-16)
And what is His Name given at His return?
“His Name is called The Word of God.” (Revelation 19:13)
Listen not to the world which denies Him and His return. This is a lie from out of the deep hearts of iniquity. (Psalm 64:6) But even this will not stop Him.
Nothing can stop the return of Lord Jesus. Not even the burning of Bibles. (J. Davidson/The Federalist)
Believe upon The Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. (Acts 16:31)
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(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon