As a kid, my summer days were spent in the pool as much as possible. Mom called me “a fish.” Sometimes I came out of the water though to practice my diving; we had a wonderful springboard diving board and a tall water-fed slide. I worked on a few moves: the surface dive, the swan dive, the regular forward dive, the somersault dive coming off the end of the slide, and most uproariously, the “butt-flop.” At times I tried to dive deep to the bottom to retrieve swim toys.
Israel was in a drought. Water was scarce. Most of its people had turned to false gods.
Elijah was a prophet in the Old Testament who thought he stood alone against the paganism of Queen Jezebel and King Ahab. In a “double-dare” with pagan priests, a competition was ordered in which “the God Who answers by fire, He is God.”
On Mount Carmel in Israel, Elijah demonstrated the power of God.
The false priests of Ahab and Jezebel set up an altar with an animal sacrifice, then they called upon their idol, Baal, to send fire and burn it up. Elijah poked fun at them. He said, “Maybe he’s asleep! Maybe he’s out of town!” and other such jabs. The priests of Baal continued on, raving and cutting their flesh open in an effort to get Baal to answer, but nothing happened.
Then Elijah set up the altar to God and he even poured water on top and in a trench all around the bottom. He called to God. Fire fell and God burnt up the sacrifice, even licking up the entrenched water. When the people who were watching saw this, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God.” (1Kings 18:19-39)
The fire which fell from Heaven in the New Testament was Holy Spirit. He arrived at Pentecost, as believers were praying. He came as tongues of fire upon each believer’s head, (Acts 2:3), first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles. (Acts 10:44-48)
This fire comes from Lord Jesus, Who sent Holy Spirit, our Helper. (Luke 3:16; John 14:16)
Our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:29)
The fire of God in Elijah’s time burned up the animal sacrifice.
The fire of God (Holy Spirit) also burns, it burns up, through conviction, little areas left in our lives, sanctifying us for our calling. We believers are living sacrifices. Each with a plan and purpose for his life.
Paul wrote in Romans 12:1, “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”
We are to be His ministers flames of fire, (Hebrews 1:7), especially during these darkening days. Holy Spirit, the fire of God, helps us.
When we study the Word of God, we must not omit the Old Testament as some do. Dive deep and see that prophecy, shadows, and types all point to the coming of the Messiah, Lord Jesus.
Surface diving is shallow. Roots will not grow down into your soul, anchoring you to The Lord, The Word. We as Christians must know our heritage and teach it to our children.
Swan diving looks good: being able to recite The Word, but not live it out.
Butt-flops happen when we don’t really know The Word but tell others that we do.
What brings the falling of Holy Spirit?
Elijah prayed. Elijah preached the truth of God. Elijah had great faith. He called upon God to show Himself with fire. Elijah was completely devoted to God during that event.
Remember the Upper Room, 120 disciples were in prayer, devotion to God. ie. deep diving
Remember Peter preaching the testimony of Jesus to the Gentiles, devotion to God. ie. deep diving
Know the Word of God, just as Elijah did. Know His Name, Lord Jesus. He Who answers with fire is God. His Name is Lord Jesus. He answers to His Name. He answers with fire. He answers with Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:3)
Believers, are you devoted to God? Are you God’s flame of fire?
(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon