As a child I had hiding places, where I would go and spend time alone: floor of my closet, a dry bank of a pond in a swamp, up in a crab apple tree obscured from view by leaves and fruit. In these places I spent time thinking and imagining, contemplating, and once in a while throwing down a crab apple near a pedestrian walking by!
Lord Jesus took time to go up to mountain tops alone, or to a place in the wilderness to pray alone. There He spoke to God the Father and received instructions. (Luke 6:12; Luke 5:15)
Today I do this. I walk early in the morning, praying as I go, talking to The Lord about many things, covering others in prayer, and giving thanks.
During my college years I went to Japan as a missionary. One long weekend, the members of Hallelujah Community Church and I drove up into the mountains for a spiritual getaway. There I went and sat alone on a boulder as big as a golf cart overlooking the valleys and clouds below. God and I met together there.
Another time while in college, I attended a spiritual life retreat at a campground in Southern Michigan. During a hike into a pine forest, we stopped and rested, laying down upon a carpet of dried brownish pine needles, soft as a feather-bed. God and I met together there.
Elijah met with God upon a mountaintop. He received instructions about where to go and who to anoint as king. (1Kings 19)
Paul met with God while in prison. His written letters became a main source of Biblical knowledge. (Bill Bright/
Corrie ten Boom met with God in a Nazi concentration camp. She received a promise of freedom and instructions for the future.
Elizabeth Elliot met with God in the jungles of South America after her husband was murdered. She was able to continue her husband’s missionary work as a single mother of a young child, alone.
Gracia Burnham met with God in terrorist Philippine encampments. Learning endurance, she saw her husband killed, but survived.
Bernadette Todd still meets with God daily from her wheelchair. She has told her story, her testimony to thousands.
God comes to us where we are, no matter the place, condition, or situation. Call to Him from your place of prayer. He will lift up your spirits, give you strength, provide help, provision and positioning. He is the Protector and Healer. There is no other to call to.
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(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon