Lord Jesus called many to follow Him, walk with Him, be with Him. Thousands came. Few remained. 12 were close to the Lord. We call these the disciples.
Three were a part of the Lord's inner circle—Peter, James and John. They saw more of Lord Jesus than the others.
One day they climbed with Him up the Mountain of Transfiguration. There, the Lord revealed Who He truly was: The Light of the World! (Matthew 17:1-8) His face shone like the sun and His clothing became as white as light.
Then, Moses and Elijah appeared. They were speaking with The Lord.
Peter spoke without thinking, saying, :”Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, I will make three tabernacles here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
And then God the Father spoke from a bright cloud which came over them, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!”
Is Lord Jesus calling you to follow Him to a higher place too, and know Him better? Are you listening to Him?
You too will need to go where Lord Jesus goes. It will be a climb up the mountain. It will exert your time, energy, mind and body. But you will come to understand Who the Son of God really is. And you will understand the spiritual reality that truly exists beyond this earthly realm.
Hard work? Yes. Exciting? Yes. Worthwhile? Yes.
Frightening? Perhaps. But at the pinnacle of the mountain, Lord Jesus touched Peter, James and John, who were lying, face down to the ground, and said, “Get up, and do not be afraid.”
He was with them, and He will be with you.
Ask The Lord to take you higher and know Him better. Even better, pray, “Lord, take me and use me for Your glory. I give my life to You.” Become part of the inner circle.
(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon