One night, the disciples of Jesus were in a boat crossing Lake Galilee. The Lord came walking to them across the water. The disciples were petrified. They thought Lord Jesus was a ghost!
Peter though, being an outspoken man, said, "Lord, if it is You, call me to come to You on the water."
And so He did! The Lord shouted, “Come!” Peter, stepped out on to the surface of the deep depths of the dark and walked to His Lord. (Matt 14:22-33)
No other human ever did that again.
Have you ever asked The Lord to call you to do something that no one else has ever done?
Many pastors would say that is a dangerous prayer to pray.
Dangerous? Perhaps. Frightening? Maybe. But with The Lord there is a sense of purpose, calling, and even adventure. Peter surely felt this way.
We have all been placed here in this time and location for a purpose. (Acts 17:26-27) Will you fulfill yours? Will you seek to live your purpose to its fullest as Peter did?
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Peter lived for Lord Jesus. He left his home, his work, and his family to follow Him. Count the cost. (Luke 14:28) He was willing to take a risk. He was willing to do dangerous things. He followed hard behind his Lord up mountains and across valleys.
He was not perfect. Not highly educated. Peter was a simple fisherman from a village. And he made many mistakes, even denying knowing The Lord. But God still used Peter, in part, because Peter wanted to be of use to Lord Jesus. And he wanted to be where The Lord was, even out upon the water.
Will you too be used by Lord Jesus? Then pray, “Lord, call me to come to You, to follow You.” (Matthew 14:28; Revelation 14:4)
And The Lord will answer just as He answered Peter, “Come!” (Matthew 14:29)
(C) 2020 Kelly Jadon